Issue 57 | September 2010
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Hello, I hope you all had a great summer and enjoyed days lazing on the beach. It’s sad to be saying goodbye to the long sunny days of the summer but there is no need to fear as 2DArtist is back with another amazing issue to brighten up your day!

This month we will start by mentioning the array of fantastic tutorials we have for you starting with our brand new series Painting Creatures from Folklore. This is a great new series that will be tackled by some fantastic artists, and we kick off with Andrei Pervukhin who will be talking us through researching and painting a Goblin. Many of you will remember Andrei’s Sewer dwelling monster that made it onto the front cover of the May issue, well Andrei has done it again and has provided another fantastic image for this month’s cover.

In this issue we have the pleasure of introducing the second artist to tackle our brilliant series Concept Art for Computer Games. Thomas Pringle did a great job of setting the scene and creating some jaw dropping environments, but now the baton is passed on to Bart Tiongson to introduce us to the characters of the game. Bart gives a fantast insight into how to create characters in a professional environment, and teaches us a few tips to ensure the character is viewed in the correct perspective. This is a cracker!

Richard Tilbury is the provider of not one but two tutorials this month. First up is the penultimate chapter of the Painting Futuristic Marines tutorial series. Rich shows us how he created his All Terrain marine using photographs and textures to give it a rough and ready look. Rich also takes on the Custom Brushes for Sci-Fi series showing us how to create the brushes he used to make his epic Night Time Battle scene. Rich provides some really top tips for creating custom brushes, and shows how careful use of them can really bring your scene to life.

The interview is always one of my favourite parts of the magazine and this month is no exception. Yiğit Köroğlu is the subject of our questions, and he shares with us how one day he decided a career in banking wasn’t for him, and he began his new career as a digital artist. Yiğit was a pleasure to speak to and his work is certainly a pleasure to look at, so much so that his fantastic image The Oath was chosen to feature in the recent 3DTotal book Digital Art Masters: Volume 5.

Vince Chui is a great artist, and a regular in the Threedy forums, and this month we get an insight into his work as he shares his excellent sketchbook with us. Vince doesn’t only share his sketching and thought process with us, but also shows us how he develops his great ideas into finished polished pieces.

What a great amount of excellent articles to keep you going, as if that wasn’t enough we also have a fantastic making of from Lin Bo, and a superb gallery filled with artwork from Jason Seiler, Yuriy Mazurkin, Geoffroy Thoorens and many more.

Have fun!


What's in this month...
Interview: Yigit Koroglu - Illustrator and Concept Artist

Sketchbook: The Sketchbook of Vince Chui

The Gallery: 10 of the Best 3D Artworks

Tutorial Series: Concept Art for Games - Chapter 03: Characters by Bart Tiongson

Tutorial Series: Painting Futuristic Marines - Chapter 3: All-Terrain Marine by Richard Tilbury

NEW!! Tutorial Series: Painting Creatures From Folklore - Chapter 1: Goblin by Andrei Pervukhin

Tutorial Series: Custom Brushes For Sci-Fi - Chapter 3: Night-Time Sci-Fi City Battle - Gun Fire over City, etc by Richard Tilbury

Making Of: Sea War - Project Overview by Lin Bo

Promotion: Digital Art Masters:v4 - Free Chapter Book Promotion