What's in this month...
Breaking into the industry: Jan Urschel chats about his journey into the industry and his experiences when he got there
Explore fantasy narratives: Wylie Beckert shares her whimsical sketches of enchanting characters, amongst fairytale-like settings
The gallery: Bastien Grivet and Gediminas Pranckevičius feature in this issue’s gallery selection of our top 10 images
Learn to balance compositions: Richard Tilbury finishes off his scene by adding characters to balance the composition
Design strong lighting schemes: Bram ‘Boco’ Sels demonstrates the power of the gradient map to create powerful lighting
Top tips for painting caricatures: Bruno Hamzagic demonstrates useful techniques to designing creative caricatures
Mastering portraits in Painter: Discover how Miklós Földi created a traditional looking mythological portrait in Painter
Create dynamic sci-fi scenes: Master of designing sci-fi environments, Massimo Porcella, reveals a step-by-step break down of his work flow
Digital art master: William Wu: Pro video game concept artist, William Wu shares the process behind his image New York Street