Issue 72 | December 2011
Hello and welcome to the Christmas issue of 2DArtist. I hope you are all feeling festive and are well prepared for the holidays. This month’s 2DArtist is here, and to help you get into the Christmas mood it is full to the brim with treats and surprises.I hope you all enjoyed the first installment of our Illustrating Fairy Tales series. Simon Dominic Brewer is back again this mont ....more

Issue 71 | November 2011
Remember, remember the Mag of November! It’s the month of fireworks and bonfires here in the UK. Our night skies will be lit by exploding rockets and Catherine wheels and our evenings will be spent standing wet by bonfires as they get put out by the inevitable rain. But there is something that can provide us with the explosive warmth we are all longing for and that ....more

Issue 70 | October 2011
Because it was so hard to choose what to put on the cover, I thought that I would start by talking about the amazing image on it. Some artists just seem to get it right every time and Jason Seiler is one of those artists. Jason will be talking us through the latest installment of our Character Portrayal series by showing us how to paint an obese person...more

Issue 69 | September 2011
I think I will kick things off by talking about this month’s jaw dropping cover image by Serge Birault. Serge has done an outstanding job throughout his Pin Up tutorial series and we have all learnt a lot, but sadly all good things come to an end and in this issue Serge wraps things up in style...more

Issue 68 | August 2011
I think I will kick things off by talking about this month’s jaw dropping cover image by Serge Birault. Serge has done an outstanding job throughout his Pin Up tutorial series and we have all learnt a lot, but sadly all good things come to an end and in this issue Serge wraps things up in style...more

Issue 67 | July 2011
This month’s cover is the handiwork of the fantastic UK based artist Charlie Bowater. Charlie is a great artist who blows us away with every new image and in this issue she kick starts our new series Character Painting/Portrayal. This is a really handy series that will be teaching us how to paint certain characteristics and features that can add some story and interest to our characters...more

Issue 66 | June 2011
This month’s cover is another cracker by our Pin-Up tutorial series artist Serge Birault. Serge set himself a high standard in chapter one of his fantastic series, but hasn’t failed to continue to impress in chapter two. In this issue Serge looks back at some of the outstanding classic Pin-Up artists and how they gave their painting a retro look, and tells us how to reproduce that look...more

Issue 65 | May 2011
this month’s issue contains the first chapter in Serge Birault’s definitive guide to digital Pin-ups. Serge is a Pin-up legend and he starts the series by showing us how to design and paint a military character. Serge also gives us an insight into the way he paints by showing us how he builds up layers with an airbrush in different layer modes....more

Issue 64 | April 2011
This issue is crammed with some fantastic articles. I know you are going to love it! We will start this month by talking about the interview. This month we catch up with one of the most talented design studios in the UK, perhaps even the world
- Atomhawk Design....more
- Atomhawk Design....more

Issue 63 | March 2011
I always get excited when the new magazine gets released and this month is no exception. We have some great artists and tutorials in this issue, and where is better to begin our focus than the front cover which is the handiwork of one of my favourite artists in the community today, Jason Seiler...more

Issue 62 | February 2011
This month’s issue is massive, it’s epic. You could maybe even say it was GIANT! Forgive my abstract link to our tutorials this month, but we continue our Photo Real fantasy series by tackling a photo real giant with Richard Tilbury. Rich has a double bill in this month’s issue and also handles our portrait tutorial. Rich shows us how to paint a boy and his subject matter is his son Gabriel...more

Issue 61 | January 2011
You thought the season for being treated was over, but you were mistaken, we have a huge amount in store for you this month. There are some things that just can’t be ignored and cheated when creating great art work, and we call these the art fundamentals. This month see’s the birth of our new series which covers the vital subjects that when mastered can turn you into a great artist.!..more